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Speed up Your Weight Loss With These Food Items

When your ultimate goal is to shed those extra kilos, you need to be very careful with your diet plan. You have to make your choices wisely. Not just the nutritional value, you have to keep an eye on the portion size as well.

You must find out enough options to switch between, otherwise, you may get bored and face difficulty in continuing with your weight loss journey.

The blog highlights some of the options that you can add to your daily diet to speed up the weight loss process.


Eggs are one of the highly versatile food items and hold a great reputation for being an excellent source of protein, provided you discard the yellow part as it may shoot up the cholesterol levels. However, studies have shown that regular intake of eggs promotes weight loss. If you consume eggs in your breakfast, it keeps you fuller for longer and helps to control hunger pangs.

Whole grains

When you want to lose weight, you should always give preference to complex carbs. These food items give you a feeling of satiety and help you avoid overeating. For that, you should substitute food items with simple carbs like white rice and refined flour (Maida) with whole grains like quinoa, oats, and brown rice among others.


Legumes like beans and lentils are a good source of plant-based protein, dietary fibers, essential vitamins and minerals, and powerful antioxidants, which make them a great alternative to be added in your diet plan. For instance, you can add moong dal in your weight loss diet. You can consume moong dal in the form of sprouts, stews, and soups as it is a highly versatile food item and helps in reducing weight.

Lean sources of protein

When it comes to weight loss food items, non-vegetarians never run out of options. Although red meat is high in calories, you can always add chicken breast to your diet to promote weight loss. It is a lean source of protein. Besides chicken breast, adding whey protein to your diet is a great option as it speeds up the weight loss process.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts like walnuts and almonds are excellent sources of omega-3 fats and protein. Besides these, you can include pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, and flaxseeds among others. Munching on nuts in between meals is a great way to promote weight loss.

Besides these options, you can add yogurt and green leafy vegetables to speed up your weight loss journey.

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